Large Stage

A premeditated crime

Teatr Polonia, Warszawa`

A premeditated crime

This game with a detective story about "how to make a hare pate without a hare", very precisely directed by Izabella Cywińska, is the director's clear return to political theater, which was once her specialty (...).

Such a strong setting in today's reality of the performance about "a corpse who asks for a murderer" does not take away his artistic dimension. It is a performance with the great role of Wojciech Malajkat. A tribute by the actor to both Gombrowicz and "Operetta". and Jerzy Grzegorzewski, the director who died in 2005, the director of the Studio Theater in Warsaw, and then the National Theater, whom the actor always treated as a master. The Malaykat judge's figure is constructed precisely like a Swiss watch. Behind the embarrassment, grimace, and mysterious smile that he spreads around, there is the power of a sadist who surrounds his victims with a spider web and even forces them to commit crimes. In this performance, it attracts the viewers' attention so much that the other roles do not actually count, although they are worth noting, especially the fainting widow of Elżbieta Kępińska. Another advantage is the "self-revealing" stage design by Maciej Preyer, with candles that light up on their own and a remotely controlled cockroach. It would be a crime not to see this Gombrowicz. Jan Bończa-Szabłowski, "Rzeczpospolita", 19.06.2012

Event Properties

Event Date 26-10-2012 | 0:00
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 0
Individual Price Free
Location Large Stage
Adaptation and direction
Adaptacja i reżyseria Izabella Cywińska
Scenografia Maciej Preyer
Set designer's assistant
Asystent scenograf Małgorzata Domańska
Stage movement
Ruch sceniczny Tomasz Borkowski
Światło Maciej Preyer, Adam Czaplicki
Executive producer and director's assistant
Producent wykonawczy i asystent reżysera Marta Wiecławska

Elżbieta Kępińska


Magdalena Warzecha


Bartłomiej Firlet


Piotr Grabowski - Słota


Wojciech Malajkat


Rafał Mohr


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COPYRIGHT © 2019. Jan Kochanowski Popular Theatre in Radom
Design: Adam Żebrowski   |   Implementation: Flexi Design