Large Stage

Trans - Atlantyk

Narodowy Teatr Stary im. H. Modrzejewskiej, Kraków

Trans - Atlantyk

I saw this extraordinary novel for the first time almost thirty years ago in Łódź, and then I transferred this staging to Krakow ... I am still amazed and fascinated by the extraordinary timeliness of Gombrowicz's text, his insight in painting "Poles' self-portraits".

Mikołaj Grabowski

Another in the life of Mikołaj Grabowski, "Trans-Atlantyk" is a very decent, clean, legible performance that treats the text with attention. (...) Grabowski returned to "Trans-Atlantyk". He returned not only to Gombrowicz's Trans-Atlantyk, but also to his own performance from twenty-some years ago. Not literally, because there are many staging differences, the performance at the Stary Theater is more effective - and cooler, more elaborate, more careful. (...) The characters are drawn with a firm, though delicate line. The anger is also thin - and at times, the effects of this non-gaming are great. The super-elegant and super-male Minister Kosiubicki (Tadeusz Huk), an ideal politician, slowly reveals his stupidity, helplessness and submission to the power of "Protocol". Jan Peszek is moving, aged, disheveled, wearing unfashionable glasses, dispassionately reporting his miserable fate of a homosexual chasing boys. (...) You can see that Grabowski has a hand and a heart to show and expose "Homeland", homeliness, and biting warmth.

Joanna Targoń "Gazeta Wyborcza" - Krakow, May 28, 2008


Marcin Kalisz, Jan Peszek, Jerzy Grałek, Andrzej Rozmus, Mieczysław Grąbka, Leszek Piskorz, Aleksander Fabisiak, Roman Ulina, Jacek Romanowski, Małgorzata Gałkowska, Błażej Peszek, Tadeusz Huk, Juliusz Chrząstowski, Ewa Kolasińska, Zbigniew Ruciński, Krzysztof Stawowy, Beata Malczewska , Lidia Duda, Andrzej Hudziak, Krzysztof Wieszczek, Łukasz Byczek

Event Properties

Event Date 31-10-2008 | 0:00
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 0
Individual Price Free
Location Large Stage
Text preparation and direction
Opracowanie tekstu i reżyseria Mikołaj Grabowski
Scenografia Magdalena Musiał
Muzyka Paweł Szymański
Choreografia Jacek Owczarek
Light direction
Reżyseria świateł Grzegorz Marczak
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COPYRIGHT © 2019. Jan Kochanowski Popular Theatre in Radom
Design: Adam Żebrowski   |   Implementation: Flexi Design