Large Stage

Ivona, Princess of Burgundia

Teatr Dramatyczny im. J. Szaniawskiego, Wałbrzych

Ivona, Princess of Burgundia

I am rewarding Tyszkiewicz for the harmony of all elements, means and possibilities created by theater. For taking the best of tradition, for incorporating it into your own, brilliant theater. I would also like to thank you for the hope this director has created. Hope that theater can be beautiful, joyful, sad, witty and, above all, wise at the same time.

Jerzy Trela

Tyszkiewicz's play is an exceptional work - and not only in the Wałbrzych theater. The uniqueness of this performance also lies in the fact that - in order to stick to the "hydrological" metaphors - in the flood of mediocrity that has flooded Polish theater for several years, a high professional level performance appeared, surprisingly interpreted, humorously referring to the currently fashionable trends, sometimes pasticering Almodóvar , referring to burlesque, but still faithful to the letter of Gombrowicz's text.

Tomasz Mościcki "Odra", June 9, 2006

But he has a hand for debutants Wałbrzych father director Kruszczyński! (...) The entire prize pool in Opole at the Polish Classics Festival and a performance that rivaled the first productions of Grzegorz Jarzyna with bravado. Tyszkiewicz presents Gombrowicz's "Iwona" arrogantly, covers them with pop-culture clichés, makes an intertract after 20 minutes, and mocks this or that character every now and then. He tells Filip (the phenomenal Rafał Kosecki) to kick Iwona's corpse out of the garden and pretend in front of the court that she is a living and attractive girl. Every scene is a staging discovery, an acting banquet, scenographic madness. It's been a long time since I left the theater with such madness in my eye.

Łukasz Drewniak, Jacek Sieradzki "Przekrój", 3.08.2006

The performance was honored with the following awards: XXXI Opole Theater Confrontations "Klasyka Polska 2006" - MAIN PRIZE for the performance, AWARD for directing for Artur Tyszkiewicz, AWARD for scenography for Jan Policki, AWARD for costumes for Ilona Binarsch, AWARD AWARD for stage movement for Maćko for the stage debut in the role of Prince Philip for Rafał Kosowski, PEREŁKA extra-statutory award for the best episode for Piotr Kondrat for the character of Valentine IX Festival of Directing Art INTERPRETATIONS 2007 in Katowice - including AWARD OF JOURNALISTS

Event Properties

Event Date 28-10-2008 | 0:00
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 0
Individual Price Free
Location Large Stage
Direction and musical arrangement
Reżyseria i opracowanie muzyczne Artur Tyszkiewicz
Scenografia Jan Polivka
Kostiumy Ilona Binarsch
Stage movement
Ruch sceniczny Maćko Prusak
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COPYRIGHT © 2019. Jan Kochanowski Popular Theatre in Radom
Design: Adam Żebrowski   |   Implementation: Flexi Design