Large Stage

Meditations of Virginity

Teatr UCLA, Los Angeles (USA)

Meditations of Virginity

Based on Witold Gombrowicz.
The play (Polish name "Medytacje o dziewictwie") was realized in Los Angeles at UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television. The show begins in a dumpster, on the streets of Los Angeles, in the center of a gigantic metropolis. Alice, now an old woman, is trying to find her lost love - her fiancé. "Meditations on virginity" touch upon matters of crisis of interpersonal bonds, loneliness, alienation, and the reality presented here is a world where violence is constantly trying to destroy innocence and remove the memory of "virginity".

Event Properties

Event Date 14-01-2004 | 0:00
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 0
Individual Price Free
Location Large Stage
Direction, scenariot and musical arrangement
Reżyseria, scenariusz i opracowanie muzyczne Michael Hackett
Scenografia Judith Dolan
Tłumaczenie prof. Anna Krajewska-Wieczorek
Oświetlenie Kristie Roldan
Dźwięk Jonathan Snipes
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COPYRIGHT © 2019. Jan Kochanowski Popular Theatre in Radom
Design: Adam Żebrowski   |   Implementation: Flexi Design