Large Stage


Teatr Powszechny - Montownia, Warszawa


"Probably no one has ever read this over thirty-year-old briefcase in the theater so far. It is no longer just a parade of complexes, wandering and postulates of three farm workers - louts, with the rhythm of Wyspiański's poem dreaming of rural fun. The characters see the play as a synonym for real life, which by some unexplored sentence they were deprived of; when they arrange their own substitute, they will fit there both the wedding and the funeral, friendship, hatred, dreams, competitions ... - and it will be Lacrimosa from Mozart's Requiem in D minor. " Jacek Sieradzki, Politics

Event Properties

Event Date 18-06-1997 | 0:00
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 0
Individual Price Free
Location Large Stage
Tekst Sławomir Mrożek
Reżyseria Agnieszka Warchulska, Piotr Ziniewicz
Artistic care
Opieka artystyczna Jarosław Gajewski

Adam Krawczuk


Rafał Rutkowski


Maciej Wierzbicki


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COPYRIGHT © 2019. Jan Kochanowski Popular Theatre in Radom
Design: Adam Żebrowski   |   Implementation: Flexi Design