Large Stage

The Marriage

Witold Gombrowicz

The Marriage

Witold Gombrowicz's "The Marriage" - one of the most outstanding plays in Polish literature, often compared to Mickiewicz's "Forefathers" or Shakespeare's "Hamlet". 

In a word: a must. Just like the play by Mikołaj Grabowski, a director who feels and understands the world of Gombrowicz like no one else. According to Grabowski, "The Wedding" is a precisely drawn story about the fears of today's young man, who - entering life in the sense of the anarchy, downfall and uncertainty of tomorrow - rebels against the existing reality. What is he to do? Surrender to this world without rules? for better? Or maybe to respect the old forms? ...

"The Wedding", produced by Mikołaj Grabowski with the actors of Teatr Powszechny, movingly exposes the tough rules governing people in relations with others, shows the gradual deprivation of youthful ideals and illusions, and tracks the mechanism of the emergence of totalitarianisms.

The performance is strong and very contemporary. Affecting important matters. Attractive formally. Implemented on a grand scale. Addictive. You have certainly not seen such a "wedding"!

The performance was awarded a refund in the 2nd edition of the Competition for the Staging of Old Works of Polish Literature "Klasyka Żywa", organized by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Zbigniew Raszewski Theater Institute.

Event Properties

Event Date 22-10-2016 | 0:00
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 0
Individual Price Free
Location Large Stage
Reżyseria Mikołaj Grabowski
Scenografia Katarzyna K. Kowalczyk
Light and photo
Światła i zdjęcia Michał Grabowski

Piotr Kondrat

Ignacy (Ojciec i Król)

Izabela Brejtkop

Katarzyna (Matka i Królowa)

Łukasz Stawowczyk

Henryk (Syn i Książę)

Karol Puciaty

Władzio (Przyjaciel i Dworzanin)

Joanna Jędrejek

Mańka (Służąca i Księżniczka)

Jarosław Rabenda


Marek Braun

Szambelan, Pijak

Łukasz Węgrzynowski


Kamil Woźniak

Szef Policji, Pijak

Włodzimierz Mancewicz

Biskup Pandulf

Adam Majewski

Dygnitarz-Zdrajca, Pijak

Danuta Dolecka


Maria Gudejko


Iwona Pieniążek


Wojciech Ługowski


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COPYRIGHT © 2019. Jan Kochanowski Popular Theatre in Radom
Design: Adam Żebrowski   |   Implementation: Flexi Design