Large Stage

The Diaries

Teatr Imka, Warszawa

The Diaries

"Brilliant and, most of all, still up-to-date "The Diaries" is a pretext to diagnose diseases plaguing a contemporary Pole. Given in a mocking, ironic and cynical setting, they are an attempt to understand our weaknesses, fears and complexes. At the same time, they are a wonderful story about a specific man - Witold Gombrowicz, who it emerges between the lines of long-standing notes.

It is a bold, humorous performance steeped in bittersweet Polishness.

According to theater enthusiasts, "Diaries" is one of the most important premieres of this season. It's hard to disagree with that, taking into account the very theme of the play, the rank of the director and the top-shelf cast. "

Joanna Derkaczew, "Gazeta Wyborcza"

Event Properties

Event Date 01-11-2012 | 0:00
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 0
Individual Price Free
Location Large Stage
Scenario, direction, scenography
Scenariusz, reżyseria, scenografia Mikołaj Grabowski
Muzyka Olga Mysłowska
Dźwięk Paweł Kohlman
Światło Katarzyna Parczewska

Iwona Bielska


Magdalena Cielecka


Olga Mysłowska


Piotr Adamczyk


Tomasz Karolak


Andrzej Konopka


Ricardo Marques


Jan Peszek / Mikołaj Grabowski


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COPYRIGHT © 2019. Jan Kochanowski Popular Theatre in Radom
Design: Adam Żebrowski   |   Implementation: Flexi Design